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Great game! I love that the sex scene animations go through so many changes in each scene. Downloaded for free but about to pay to support.

Awwwh thanks, means a lot to me, seriously!

Bro this is the most immersive visual novel I've seen so far

Wow! I appreciate it a lot!


Hola una duda tienes pensado agrgar traducciones a español saludos y PD muy buen juego con mucho potencial

Spanish translation will come out for free with new update tomorrow1


how to finish this story? i've done what i was told but nothing changes...


You have to make her jealous when ask about the main girl

Ask in discord server, we can help you there easier


someone knows how to fix some dialogues that dont show anything like this?

Spanish version isn't ready yet, sorry

(1 edit) (+1)

Yuriko is too hot, I love her.

I think the same!

Code là j vậy


Có cheat code hả 

what are the differences between FAI and SAI?


I think there will be two different ends in the future

that makes sense thank you

So far not many, just some changes in dialogues. But it will mainly affect the endgame

Real good there, you may have earned a new patron assuming this game is developed at a good pace. 

Thank you very much! I appreciate you're even considering it. And yes, I'll always develop it. New update each 2 months if you're wondering


is anyone else upset that you gotta choose khiqa or vee? i really dont like when games do this since i feel like i could be missing out on a major thing :(

but in the future everything can change, right?

You can just choose both and dont miss any


More stories of YURIKO!!!!!thank u very much!!!!!

Of couse! She's super popular and will have many more scenes!


will there be pregnancy/impregnation?

No, sorry

Wow, this game is really amazing! I love the storyline, and I can't wait for the next update!

Glad you're enjoying it!


damn detroit become human's girlfriend got an only fans game

Eh? x)


I need more femdom


it will be added, for sure

What are the codes for Zero?


They are all listed in the Discord section for codes;

I have one question, but where to new link a discord server?

Usually special pics


I can't figure out what the key is for, can someone help me?

What key exactly bro???

You will next game update, which comes out tomorrow

could i have another way of joinign the discord the link up in the page does not work

It doesn't work, means you're underage in your discord account, sorry

When is version 10 gonna come to iOS? I only have the Christmas event on 3,5 on my mac

Next comes out tomorrow



Used RPAextract and found it: Tokoyami no keiyaku KEGARETA-SHOUJO [Mikado Miyabi]

Tokoyami no keiyaku Kegareta-Shoujo [Mikado Miyabi]


Will there ever be pregnancy


No, sorry but it will be explained

Wonderfull game i love the dark skins Girls !!! 🩵

Me too, thank you!

Godness gracious!! It's an absolutely master piece!!!

Awwwh thank you so much! I really appreciate your words!

Cómo se llama la música que suena en el dojo, en la parte donde debemos de entrenar por las mañanas?

Sorry i've no idea, I edit the song names constantly so it's easier to be used by code

Thanks, since I couldn't find it on my own anywhere, I had to extract it directly from the same game on PC.

English translation needs a little work. The connectivity from no action to NSFW action is quickly paced. The fact that I can do other girls before the main... A little weird to me. But the characters are wonderful, they all seem cool and different. The story has got some interesting stuff. A few more controls and maybe work on story pace. I'll be watching this one.

Thank you! I appreciate it! I'll keep working in make it better and improve it




hola como arreglo este problema ? despues de esa escena sucedio

ponlo en ingles, avanzas un par de textos y lo pones en español y listo. al menos a mi me funciono

Spanish version isn't ready yet, it will be tomorrow tho

I loved the design of the girls, each one different from the other but with their own charm and the animations, very attractive H animations.

Thank you! I'm glad you love them so much!


Do this game have gallery?


(1 edit)

Where to find this gallery?


access the Drone in your room, it will have the gallery option


(1 edit)

can someone help me play the game???

If you have any problem, join the discord server, ask there anything you need!


Encontró un error en la última versión, cuando cambias el idioma al español, los textos de los diálogos desaparecen, las opciones de menú y demás también desaparecen, las opciones de diálogos iguales. He jugado la versión 0.3.4 antes, pero tuve un problema y perdí todo el progreso, y en esta nueva versión cuando quise ir directamente al nuevo contenido. Creo que este error sucede cuando salgo el prólogo, ya que cuando no salto el prólogo todo va perfecto, no me molesta empezar desde cero pero estaba entusiasmado por el nuevo contenido, sigue trayendo más contenido <3

Spanish translation isn't ready yet, but it will be tomorrow
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!


How do i get the christmas event?

Just progress more the main story

Havent had a chance to try the last two updates

Went to play but PC was having storage problems so had to move stuff around. Lost all save data :[

Realises i now have to play the full game again to catch up :] 

im not missing out on this story. keep it up.

Thank you! If you run into more of those problems I'd advice you to join discord server, we can surely help you there

(1 edit) (+1)

Gotta say I love this game! I can't wait for more updates! This is amazing!

Kinda wish what song was playing cause i found several good ones in the middle of it, like that music when you (re)enter your home!


Glad you're enjoying it that much, thank you!

Great Update, cant wait for the next one.

Thank you so much!

"Detroit become human" ahh game


where did the option to save progres Disappeared, to cloud or somting? 

No idea what you meant, sorry




The fact that the prologue had so much content within it? I'm SUPER hyped! This is already amazing so far! 10/10!!

Thank you a lot, I really appreciate it


10/10, just download it, its good- trust me.

Thank you, I really appreciate such feedback!

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