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Just opened the game for the first time to be met with the most surprisingly banger music I've ever heard for these types of games. Would love to know the name of the song.

Tokoyami no keiyaku Kegareta-Shoujo [Mikado Miyabi]
Thanks for playing the game! 


Idk if is just my phone or what, but when you on a run with the cat it crashes. Specificity when she's starts stretching. 

it probably is your phone but im getting this too (note i have a very low end pc that lags at basically any animation but more so here it was about to crash)

Must be the animation. For some reason the first animations take so much resources. I'll have to swap them for lower quality ones to fix that I guess, sorry!

is fine, phone's ass any ways. Thank God it's cheap mine broke. (sorry for the late reply)

Is there a plan to make a translation into Spanish?

No translations are planned so far, sorry.


Is there a plan for a gallery 

yea gallery would be awesome


with hints for scenes, if you miss it (teasing smb, or something like it)

Yes, it's on my future plans.

So is there a walk through anyway 

Not yet, sorry!

Me pueden pasar un nuevo link del discor por qué está ya vencio

It works, but you must be +18 to access it, sorry

some date for next update?

1th june in Patreon, 15th here in

you should add a way to skip time without having to go to the bedroom.Also a way to look for the girls without having to ask around.

The first suggestion is a good idea, I'll add such thing eventually. Second idea is already added in the AICards feature.
Thanks for playing the game!


I have gotten to the point where you need to enter the underground area in the streets but it says I need to wait for more updates. Note I am using the free version so I understand that it may take longer for updates to happen.


It's not possible yet but next version is comming in just a few days. So you won't have to wait too much.


is there plans for a hint system?

It's already implemented. There is a feature called AICards, there you can check what you need to do to continue any of the characters storylines or even what to do to progress in the mainstory.

I see then I can’t seem to find it. I’ll look more now that I know it exists thanks for the help


Ok, thank you people for this wonderful project that almost exceeds 5 Stars and I tell you that if I could collaborate today I would give you $100 and if not then $500 per collaboration but I can't and well it's my opinion since I wish there were but now the game It won't let me since there is no more content 🥲, well greetings people this is my opinion👍👍👍

Lovely feedback! I'm glad to see you enjoyed the game that much! It's means a lot to me! I'll keep working on it, happily so!

de nada mi lady akaime

Ok, gracias gente por este maravilloso proyecto que casi supera las 5 Estrellas y les digo que si pudiera colaborar hoy les daría $100 y si no entonces $500 por colaboración pero no puedo y bueno es mi opinión ya que quisiera que hubiera hubiera pero ya el juego no me deja ya que no hay más contenido 🥲, bueno saludos gente esto opino👍👍👍

Text box blocks the h-scene 

That bug is already fixed, shouldn't happen at all. It will appear solved in next version of the game. Thanks.


Absolutely amazing so far, I must say, a couple of typos here and there but can also see them getting less as the game progresses so obviously being worked on. 

Graphics are great, comedy is on point.

Kat - "you have huge boobs akaime, do you slap yourself in the face when you run?" that got me creasing 😅😅.

But captivated by the story so far. Looking forward to seeing where it all goes 


Oh! So happy to hear you're enjoying it that much! I correct typos every version, they all should be fixed in next one. Thanks!

Honestly, there's a very impressive amount of framework put up, with just a couple of H-scenes so far, but i have faith this can reach to great heighs like HHG sooner before long. You have such a fine thing set up. Don't give up <3


Thank you so much! Don't worry, I'm planning to keep developing the game for a very long time, it's really fun!

I understand that there is only 1 hentai scene with 1 character, right?

Actually, there are more.


AIdrone zero code? I just cant figure it out


All the available codes are shown in my Discord Server. There is a channel called zero-codes. Hope it helps!


Es posible guardar partida por cuenta propia ya que llegó rato en el jugo y no he visto como puedo hacer eso?

You can save it anytime you want. At the bottom it should have an option saying "save", click there and save. Have fun!

Ok, gracias gente por este maravilloso proyecto que casi supera las 5 Estrellas y les digo que si pudiera colaborar hoy les daría $100 y si no entonces $500 por colaboración solamente que bueno no los tengo y me encantaría que siguiera la historia ya que .e pase todo lo que está en la versión 0.3 creo y vaya que ya no me deja poner o hacer más ya que no hay contenido disponible aún esto es mi opinión y saludos 👍👍👍😎


Is it possible to add a dialog box customization? So that you can make it transparent or hide it altogether? It literally fills half the screen and covers all forms in hot scenes

It wasn't supposed to appear at all the box. It's disabled for PC version. I'll make sure it's removed for next version, sorry!

Is there a walkthrough available for this?

Not yet, sorry.


Since downloading for Android is only available for Windows and Linux? How can I download the game?

There is an android version you can download, an apk file. Download that one if you wish to play it in Android.

Is it going to come to Android, I wanted to know? And if so, what day is it expected?


It's already on android you goober XD

Why is the game so heavy if there is so litle content

What is the difference between the two versions of Android?


As long as a game does not have  ntr, I will try downloading it

Not a single one. The three links have exactly the same game version. So hope you enjoy it!

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

So this game surely dont have NTR but i saw someone in F95 said there is pretty much confirmed will have Sharing,right? I just want to make sure I don't play a game have Sharing even if it's an option because the girls are too cute to even think about it.

I care about it too

No, don't worry. You can check a bit up ahead the game tags, even future ones.


i got to the elevator and type 69 not thinking it would work but it did and i thought that was hilarious  

Oh wow! You're one of the few who found out on their own? Congrats! You really deserved that secret scene then~

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game, is pregnancy planned?

I don't think so

No plans for it so far, sorry.

No worries, I've enjoyed it thus far. I'll be watching your career with great interest!


is the picture with numbers in the background of your room a code for Zero? i've tried every combonation of numbers, but no codes :(

All the available codes are shown in my Discord Server. There is a channel called zero-codes. Hope it helps!

Hey some feedback on the V3 English proofreading that was stated about before. Although it is not very hard to read it, it still looks like the proofreading was not done by a native English speaker or someone with a high level of English. A lot of grammar mistakes that are hard to overlook.  

Regardless of that I do quite enjoy this game so I hope this issue can be resolved.


Thank you! Yes of course, I solve as many errors as possible every new update. I'll work till every single grammar mistake is solved.


How do you turn win-zip into APK because I'm having difficulty

You don't need to. Just use the android version, it's an APK file. It's the same version than the rest, don't worry.

Como que transforma o win-zip para APK?

You don't need to. Just use the android version, it's an APK file. It's the same version than the rest, don't worry.

When I tried to update it said app not installed because it's conflicting with an existing package. 

Do I have to uninstall the game?


yes but dont worry, ren'py (the engine the game was made in) has a cloud based save method, all of the saved progress will stay even after you delete all of the files because it was saved in the same device/cloud, so all of your progress will be there even after you unistall/delete the game and its files

(1 edit)

Does anyone know how i can change the version 2 5.5 GB version from zip to apk because when i download v2 its always a pc data package snd i absolutely waste 5GB and have to delete it tried to redownload it many times but same result

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm assuming English isn't the first language, so I won't hate too much, but I highly recommend getting someone who speaks fluently to proofread. If you have a Discord maybe ask there, because the errors are very easily identifiable, and there are countless spelling/grammar mistakes. It's decipherable as an English speaker myself, but overall lowers the quality of the experience when I have to re-read thinking "wait, what the fuck?". Again, I don't want to hate since the story and gameplay were just fine, and the animations were great, but there definitely needs to be many fixes. Thanks for the hard work, and I'm excited for more content to come. 

No worries! Thanks for playing the game and the review!
Most of spelling mistakes were already fixed in the new version of the game. I got several proofreads, so everything should be better from now on.


I also wanted to ask about the filesize. It seems that for a game with around 1-2 hours of gameplay currently, and not many animations, we're seeing nearly 6GB of storage taken. This is absurdly high for the current amount of content, as other games that have been in development and have had hours upon hours on content take up less space. Is there any reason for this, and will it be optimized going forward? I'm asking because even though it takes that much space I was still having trouble loading all of the animations to their fullest extent, lagging quite a lot, getting like 3fps during moments like stretching at the park or pool, which makes me wonder if I'll be able to enjoy any of the actual sex scenes in the future. Thank you for your feedback, and again, I just want to see the game be better, I mean no disrespect.👍

Sorry to be that guy again but i downloaded both versions 1 and 2 for android and nothing changed in case of text being not readable by some degree im not trying to be mean or anything but would it be possible to either change the text size or make it readable sorry or sounding annoying have a nice day/night

Thanks for playing the game!
Text problem is fixed on new version already c:

(1 edit)

Every time I try to download it it says network interrupted, and then after resuming the download it says forbidden. I've got plenty of storage, what's going on? I'm on Win and downloading the one for Win

update: I think I just have to do absolutely nothing other than sit, wait, and monitor the download. it got up to around 50 something percent which is the furthest its been since I began trying.

second update: its done downloading, finally I can try it


Alguém sabe quando vai sair a versão v0.3?


I have just released on Patreon.
Here in for free on 15th of this month.

Some probably already have this problem but for android part of the text isnt readable because its too far on the left hope this gets fixed 

Fixed on new version already c:

the only bad thing really so far is that the text box doesnt fit on the screen on android

Fixed on new version already c:


Encountered this error when trying to go to the "Retire" at the Outskirts iirc. Haven't tried continuing after that screen, only rollback. Windows version played on Linux.

Fixed on new version already c:

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