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I would love to play the game, but it will refuse to work on my Android. The .apk file downloads, but it either has a problem parsing the package, or it gets to downloading and immediately says the app isn't installed.

You have to allow your android to download and install apps from unknown sources.


Well, akaime, I managed to play your game through alternative means, but to be honest, there's a lack of more sex scenes, development with the rock girl (other than the emo one), besides, there could have been rewards I want to talk about rewards just new clothes for akaime? and for the cat girl who I hate but she's cool :) other than that the game is perfect


That's changing in future game versions. There is a post speaking about it in Patreon. We will get high quality nsfw scenes every new game version, yay!


I love this Game. Thank you that the Game is for Free and you have Talent. I give the Game 8/10. 

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Thank you so much for sharing your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it that much! Let's hope we can rise that ratting in next game updates~


yuriko is my favorite 10/10


Glad you like her that much!

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I just finished the current version of this game on Android.

I like it, and love most of everything about it, that being the story, music, art or the style of the game, and the characters.

The only problem I had was that it has seriously bad lag,stuttering,framerate drops, or whatever it should be called when characters move more quickly than normal during scenes. This causes the game to for what can I only assume to be a crash. I never had a Android game do this before, so I hope there is a workaround that doesn't take from the game's scenes and storytelling. The best excuse that I have to not be upset is the Autosaves are consistent so it protects me from losing progress from a bad surprise.

All in all it is a great game for me, it just needs time to be the best it can be. So I will patiently wait for it's completion and Akaime great job so far, you made a great game. Take care of yourself(selves).


Thanks for the lovely feedback! I'm quite happy you have enjoyed it so much!

Don't worry above the video scenes. Next game version there will be a good improvement, even more noticeable for android players like you!

Thanks, take care you too!


Nope, thank you. So far this game has been incredibly fun, and if you have put this much effort in already its really only possible for it to get better. Stay safe.


what zero code?


Join the discord server if you wish to know how to unlock all zero codes. Check the channel #zero-codes




Okay this is my first time playing a game like this and I must say it is really interesting, keep on the good work, loved it.


Thank you so much! I'm glad you loved it!


I have a glitch with yuriko on top of the school not functioning when speeking to her, wont innitiate conversation, solution? Or just her second location 😂




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How did you solve that, I have the same error but instead of not starting the conversation I just keep getting sent to the main menu


Join discord server, ask there c:

Okay but I think the problem may be that I played it in gamcore, I will download it 

Hello, I seem stuck. I am playing on PC, latest version, Naoko wants me to finish my drawing, but Art book is not available yet. I don't find any tasks at any daytime. Or maybe I am missing something?


That can't be done yet, not till next game update. Check the AICard feature to know what to do to progress with any character or the main story.


When will the next version come out? I really like this game!


Glad you do, thank you! It's comming 1st August! Feel free to join the discord server. There you can always check when next game update comes out.


Hmm can you make a gallery please :v i want go collect all the scence and watch it when ever i want


The gallery will be added next game update! There is a Patreon post talking about a lot of stuff comming soon!


Hi, I'm discord ccwwxxx,

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that my account seemed to have been hacked. At 7:21 am, an inappropriate link was automatically sent out, causing trouble to the group and causing me to be banned from the server. I'm sorry about that but I didn't know the message was sent automatically. Is there any way to solve this problem? and I want to rejoin the server. Waiting for reply

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Ban was revoked. Please, be careful next time and enable the two-factor security for discord. You can join the server again. Hopefully won't happen again.

I don't know if I'm the only one having this problem, but I can't install the update on Android, it always gives an error or says that the file is already installed, if anyone else has had this problem, could you tell me how to fix it?

Delete old one and install the new update. Saves should be stored in a different folder. If you want to make sure, save your saves somewhere else, just in case.

hello akaime sorry to bother you again but I checked my phone and cleaned everything possible to fix my phone it is practically zero, I tried to install it and now it says "package not available for this device" I'm really sad because I like it of your game and all previous versions worked but it seems like nothing like😔I'm grateful for following this game

It didn't change anything besides I added more content. Should work exactly the same if you try to install: "com.akaime.airevolution-release.apk" If not, I have no idea how to solve it, sorry. For future problems, please join the discord server and report any problem there, thanks!

I love Effie, looking forward to her new content in the future

Happy you love her!

I'm sorry if this has already been asked but I didn't see it anywhere. What program do you use to make the character models? is it just koikatsu party or a different program?

Join the discord server, there is a channel #faq that answers everything there

Hello akaime, I have just started this project, but unfortunately the 3.2v is not installed on my phone, I would love to see if this is a problem with the package as I have already restarted and uninstalled other games But it's not possible to download it because it says "the package is not compatible" my phone is a Motorola E13If you can solve this problem I would be grateful

Make sure you attempt to install the correct file for android. This one: "com.akaime.airevolution-release.apk"
If that one doesn't work maybe your phone can't load RenPy games (Not sure!)

Ok I've gotta ask what the song is called in the menu screen and who made it cause it is really well made. If anyone knows I'd really appreciate a reply.

Tokoyami no keiyaku Kegareta-Shoujo [Mikado Miyabi]

got round to playing the update the other day. 

Was glad too see that there was a fair amount in this, not too little, but also not too much, just enough too keep us on edge of whats too happen next in the story.

Cant wait for the next update.


Glad you enjoyed it that much! Thanks for the lovely feedback!

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Is it still possible to get dominated by Akaime from the femdon kink? Like have her always be in control, have her make us kiss her feet, always be her slave/loyal severant, etc etc? Mabey even later on have her believe in VAI ?

Not sure about that but I can tell you there is a character prepared to be such a good femdom


Love the work, i am just wondering will there be an option to go VAI or what it was called, i am not sure


Glad too see im not the only one.

As much as id love that we did get the option, id imagine that if we do get a VAI option in, Its going to be much further down the Dev line, as id imagine that would take the story in quite the different direction and would require a fair amount of work.

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Indeed! Still, I'll study such option

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Thank you so much! Probably! Not sure yet, I'd need to study many things before doing so

I can't continue Yuriko's storyline for some reason. It's telling me to talk to her about the prank but it just gives me the same text when you select the option and have to progress with Effie's storyline. Any help?




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Suggestion are you going to add a gallery? Id be nice to see all the scenes. Also what are they going to do to Rizz? She's already my favorite character.

they aare going to add a gallery(if you finished the current update you'll know) but idk about rizz 

oh I must have missed that... thanks through

Indeed! The gallery will be added next game update! There is a Patreon post talking about a lot of stuff comming soon!

It got updated yay


Oi eu queria saber qual e a próxima versão depois da versão 1.0.0 alguém pode me dizer qual é por favor?

Last version is 0.3.2
You can check so whenever in the official discord server


Loving this game so far! I am truly excited for more content and the direction you go with this!

I'd love to see more f-Dom content but either way I'll keep playing this, honestly one of the best games that involves smut and a coherent, well written story line! 

Keep up the good work and look forward to updates!


Hello author, can the game add Chinese in the future?


Sorry, translations aren't planned so far.

Does the game update automatically?


You just need to download the newest game version from here. Load any of your past saves and enjoy!

i have no clue on any of the codes does anyone know any of them if so plz tell me


they are in the discord my dude




were is the link for it


please tell me im not the only one who noticed this 
the main designer of the aigirls is called viper 
he became partners with
whenever bio,ai is mentioned Bo.a is highlighted in green 
either its a coincidence or you know a Boa is another kind of snake 
im just saying

wow....thhat actually makes so much sense xD although cause of the dot Boa could not be a human Bo.A sounds more like a operative system or an AI (not Ai girl, just AI)


Either way ive created a conspiracy theory XD

I must say, that was very very smart of you to realize, I'm impressed!

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It may be intentional it may just be a coincidence either way i think it is a really cool idea 

Seriously though 10/10 game havent played another one that actually has me looking through for secrets wanting to discover the story 

Just gotta find those damn codes now...... 

I love to hear those words! For me is great people are enjoying the game that much! That's what I seek with the story and characters, bring a special and unique game!

If you run into any trouble with the codes, join the discord server. There is a channel "zero-codes" where you can check where is every code hidden.

should i just download it and it will automatically update? or i should download it again after uninstalling the older version?

you just need to download the latest version and it will automatically update the previous version


Hello! Loving the game! All the characters are unique, the art is incredible and the story pacing is perfect! One issue though, when I interact with Yuriko on the rooftop, nothing happens. I assume you're aware of this, because in the older versions the game actually crashed (but I was lucky with my autosave!). If otherwise, I'm bringing this to your attention. Otherwise the game is awesome and looks like it's doing great. 

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it so far!

Should be already fixed. And if you still run into any problem, I advice you to join the official discord server and read the annoucement on 5th june.

Hello is the version 3.2 available now in android?

Well looks like it's here now.


is there like a gallery


its been thought about


Yes, next game update. I already have prepared and working such new feature.

should i go for Slave AI or Free AI choice at the beginning?

i dont know what to choose

its truly up to you, i played trough both but didnt really see any difference (yet)

I would suggest you save at that option so that you can come back later and play the game with the other option.


Up to you! It mainly affects the endgame. But of course, it will have some effect during the game. For example the way Katsue adresses you.

hey is a gallery option going to be added sometime soon?

Yes, next game update. I already have prepared and working such new feature.

Did anybody else know about the easter egg?

In akaime storyline?

Oh, which one?

When you're at the elevator and you a certain number,is that an Easter egg or I'm just delusional

About version 3.1, I thought the escape we gave in the advice and the option to mock the best choice of the game kaka was really cool.


I'm glad you enjoyed it!

so uh when will 0.3.2 become public?


15th June, in just 5 days

I wait for furure tags before supporting   according to this version i made the correct choice to not support yet but the visual novels are stellar  consider reducing, your game size for apk once it gets to, 1 gb and above.


Thanks! I'm even glad you even considered support it

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