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This game has belly bulge/stomach deformation? Due to MC's cock size

Not yet.


Peak fiction ngl


Thanks! I really appreciate you liked it!

lowkey sad now that i finished it


Don't worry, new updates won't ever stop

I'm replaying the game trying different paths lol see what it changes 

also ariesana is the best 🤩

also could you add a gallery where we can go back and replay nsfw scenes instead of saving each one

disregard this lol I just didn't get far enough to the ai drone XD


It's already ingame. Go to your room, interact with Zero, the AIDrone and select gallery


what is the song in the opening I've been trying to find it 😥


Tokoyami no keiyaku Kegareta-Shoujo [Mikado Miyabi]


oh thank you ive been searching this song for days on end lol

Yo new here is it worth the 1.9gs of space it looks promising


I'd say so, yes!

for real I love the character development and the nsfw scenes are perfectly animated with no lagging and you just really get attached to the characters

When you first hang out with Effie and her friends in the scene where you first choose whether you're FAI or SAI, Effie says she is SAI, is that a mistake or is that right?

i think its becuase she wants to enslave humans but i dont really know




Oops! It's true! It was a mistake, I already fixed it, thanks for letting me know!


I dont normally play lewd visual novels past the first couple scenes but I haven't even gotten to a traditional sex scene yet and I'm hooked I don't wanna spoil much but the first prank scene pure gold this game is up there with Corrupted kingdoms in terms of writing and story and the lewd scenes I have seen aren't bad either easy 10/10 in my book


It is really good I especially love this story in particular, as it feels so close to reality beyond the fact that the AI girls themselves are advanced way beyond the robots we have today. 

I also love Corrupted Kingdoms though. If I had to give certain games a trophy for what they do best its this.

Corrupted Kingdoms has the best story hands down

AIrevolution has so far my favorite character designs

Goddesses' Whim has my favorite NSFW scenes

Honorable mentions for games include Town Of Passion, Genex Love, School of Love: Clubs, and Lessons in Love


I'm glad AIRevolution is between you favourites!

(1 edit) (+1)

well that's the only thing I need to hear to give this a shot.

EDIT: Yep, was definitely worth it. I look forward to more


Thank you so much! I feel honored! If you keep playing, you will find far better nsfw scenes, you will see! Even voice acted! Thanks for playing the game and glad you're enjoying it!

Akaime, could you fix the discord link? It's no longer online. 

It works. But blocks underage discord accounts, only +18 people sorry. It's probably your issue

 Akaime, I'm 22 years old, my discord is the same age, I'm almost sure it's an error in the Link, because I can enter others without any problems. 

im stuck on eiffe it says there more interesing then attending school i gone every where but nothing has worked


You seem to have to progress the main story first. A lot of them say they have something avalible before it actually is ready so just do the main story a if you get stuck. it should unlock the.

yeah nvm i was being retared lol 

Glad you could fix it! Remember to join the discord server if you ever run into any other trouble

question will there be kitsune character there may be one already and I'm just not aware

Katsue might be the Kitsune character but she is based on a cat rather than a fox. Given how popular Kitsune are there is a high possibility that an actual Kitsune AI girl could be added but that would either have to be made by Akaime or voted for by the patrons im pretty sure


There is already a kitsune character themed. Her name is Kyuu, she already showed up in the game

ohhh thank you


Muy bueno la verdad 10/10 espero próximas actualizaciones


Glad you like it that much!

Deleted 179 days ago
Deleted 179 days ago
(2 edits)

Am stuck at storyline with Yukiro, it shows blank on her personal information and I counldn't talk to her in school (midday) , but the main story ask me to progress more with her (and I also could not find Effie in gym (morning) )

Try to do everything else for the other characters. A lot of the current story relies on completing most of the little side stories with the girls before your able to advance to the nest part of the main story. If that isnt your problem, my next suggestion would be to do random things. Sorta trial and error it as eventually you will hit the right options to progress

Progress more the main story. If you wish to know exactly what to do, join the discord server and check the last question in #faq channel, it will tell you what to do

(1 edit)

Am stuck at effie quest where you have to do something else in the school morning i went in the morning to every place in the game and found nothing any ideas on how to advance?

Nvm i completed it

How bro

you need to complete some other characters quest(idr which one was it :[ ) while checking the gym everyday in the morning 

Progress more the main story. If you wish to know exactly what to do, join the discord server and check the last question in #faq channel, it will tell you what to do

Nice! I'm glad to!

(3 edits)

I'm stuck at the part where Effie quest log wants me to: I should do other things in the school (morning) besides attending class.
I'm stuck on her third riddle which she won't give me, so I am at a standstill :/
Edit 1: Started a new save and replayed and it didn't work so I'm going to reinstall the game to see if that fixes it anyway.
Edit 2: Didn't work :/


Just do some other characters quest and constantly check the gym in the morning an event will start eventually

(1 edit)

I feel like a idiot omg....

also thanks :)

Its fine i also didnt know and started searching the Internet and gave up and started doing random things until it happened

Progress more the main story. If you wish to know exactly what to do, join the discord server and check the last question in #faq channel, it will tell you what to do


Ok i played current upgrade. All is fine, but, i think that second prank story is kinda emotionally lacking. Im a sucker for redemption stories, and i think that ishido's scene does not have such an impact to actually emphatise to him. 

I think it would be much stronger if instead of just relaying why he hates MC, he would actually jump him, crying and asking for how MC has all that ishido wants, while being basically a "nobody", after which there will be a catharsis moment and then you could choose to forgive him or humilate him.

Oh, you don't have to at all! I just gave players the option for it. If you don't emphatise with him, then don't forgive him, of course!

It's a good idea too!


I don't mean to be rude but when will the next update come?


im curious about that too, idk


Bro is hasnt even been a month yet since the last update. Development takes times.

Isn't rude. Join the discord and read #faq, it will always tell you the exact day every time you check it. I update it. But just so you know, every 2 months. Next one comming 1st october

thank you very much I hope it'll be a long one I enjoyed the game but found it is too short that's what am sad about 

Deleted post

I'll check it again, thanks


I loved it it was beautiful can't wait for the next update.

if you want to get updates faster you'll have to join Patreon

Just from the comment alone i'm pretty sure adam here is kinda broke just like most people who waits for the public version

not broke her but i have not fallen for the game like that yet need a bit more time

I was under the impression that you are 

Ok why u shiting on me😭😭

Thank you so much! I'll work hard to make it really good!

This is a another reminder that I am still not able to login into your discord. So could you check if I have been banned or your discord invite is still working properly? My discord username is simon5254. 

Same things happening to me.

Apparently you spammed in the server. I revoked the ban, be more careful next time, please

Thank you! Keep up the good work!

Android link doesn't work for me, it downloaded ~1.4gb in like 1-2 minutes and then just stop or tells me: download time will be like 50 mins and stop ls afterwards. Tried with mobile internet and with wifi, it's don't change anything.

If you join the discord server and dm me there, I'll send you another download link, maybe that's better for you

Hi,  I wanted to ask you to send me the discord server link.because for some strange reason I can't access the server because it tells me that the link is expired or invalid

(1 edit)

perfect game, keep the good work <3

Thank you so much! I will!

When kitsune or whatever her name is goes to steal the computer. When it asks which floor is there supposed to be a pop up or do I have to press the buton on the image. Cause I think I'm stuck. 


i think you have to type a number, i put 7, but ive heard theres a secrets number with a hidden Scene (its the number your thinking it is)


Ty man. You the goat

Indeed it's 7. There is a secret scene there if you type a.. certain number.. (nsfw!)

Damn, i pick the correct in the first then xd

got round to playing it yesterday.

you've done it again 10/10, story is getting better each update.


Thank you so much! That's the plan, yes!



Hahahah, glad you like her!


I just want to know the code of aidrone....

What is the code? Please

Join the discord for them

Discord link is broken/expired.

It works, but blocks underage accounts

There is a channel called #zero-codes in the discord server, there you can check a list of all codes there

10/10 Sex Scenes are amazing (so sad there's only few :sob:) And the Story is a bit fast paced, Either way I'm looking forward to more stuff on this game :D (also I love Katsue's voice!! :3 )

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying so far! 

When is the next update

Every two months. Join the discord and check #faq channel whenever you want to know the exact day any moment.

Well, I'm having fun. I already played this before the update, it's still fun and amazing. It got better after the update, liked you would expect. No bugs on my part, but some typos or misspelling here and there, but that isn't bad or egregious.

I loved the music for the game, the story has mystery and suspense, and the characters are awesome in their styles and personalities. The world has so much to be fleshed out and to see that it could just be built up more and more from my perspective. So I can say this game is awesome, and I will be happily and patiently waiting to see it continued.

Warning Longer Comment ⬇️ You may be annoyed

I only really have one complaint if that is even what it is, thats that the story is feeling rushed. I played the game through twice after the update and it felt as though things were sped up just where the last update had left off. An example being that the protag gets a suit from out of nowhere from an ally but we didn't go through that process with them, I felt left out and wanted to learn more about the new armored suit, then we save the day and be heroes. I still don't have a clue if the armor provides any benefits like improved strength and mobility, which I would argue is the only logical thing to assume given its fancy sci-fi design. Otherwise I don't see how we survived that Combat AI dual long enough for help, since we only had a few days of training.

Really I just want the story to last as long as possible, and not leave us out of the details of what happens to our protagonist. I want more of this game and I mean everything, not just the big action thrill moments but the small things to, even if it's just the protag spending some time with whoever drinking coffee and flirting or training or us unboxing a brand spanking new suit of armor we have not seen or heard of before.

I get invested in good games and stories easily, and that makes me want more, for good or ill, and care about what goes on in it. So I hope the creator will slow down the story's pacing for more development in other areas, like bonding events and player character/world engagement. This game is really great and more in-between moments mean alot to me who enjoys getting immersed in worlds with history and characters with personality. Really the creator is doing amazing work with this game. I just want them to take it slower and develop things more, to bring out more of the world and characters, as well as the protags involvement in the game, since we haven't really been going to school in game or doing much with the characters. I'm surprised we haven't bwen booted out of school or gone on dates as much as I would expect given who we live with and know.

Though the creator might be aware given people in game call it out, how people throw themselves at us or feel the need to strip. So they might be aware of the lack of investment in relationship stuff. It just feels different from how things played out in the beginning compared to how everything is now, which is sped up from my point of view. We used to try to be careful around our AI housemate but now we do whatever almost. So I want things to last longer, to not feel rushed or pushed ahead, like how the story is picking up real quick but we realistically don't stand a chance as the protag cause we are so underdeveloped as an individual with zero combat experience and our relations and contacts are still not that invested in dispite how some have progressed.

That's me though, really the creator is doing alot to make this game. They are doing so much it really isn't fair to think they can just do all of this, plus take my two cents and add even more to the game. I just want them to imagine how much more there could be based on whatever they could get from this overly long comment and consider it, I just want more of what they made here and I don't want it to end to soon.

So I apologize for anything I said here that was wrong of me, I am not the best at giving my opinion without sounding rude.

Akaime thanks for this game you are making and thank you for reading this. Take care of yourself above all and good luck to you in your development.

Thanks a lot for feedback! I really appreciate it and no, didn't annoy me the slightest, don't worry! Indeed, I keep trying to make every update better and better.

Also, just so you know, there is a huge amount of content comming up, so don't worry thinking this is going at fast pace, cause trust me, knowing how much I still gotta release, isn't really going as fast as you think. You will have AIRevolution good story for several years.

its koikatsu party based game?

Yes, of course

(1 edit) (+1)

Hiii can you tell me the Code in AIDrone??? Please I can't see a code in a game

Join the discord server. There is a channel there named: #zero-codes. You can check there all game codes and how to find them


This is a good game, and I like it very much. But I have a suggestion. Many players from China will play this game, but there is no Chinese translation in this game. I hope it will support Chinese translation in the future. I also hope this game will be better in the future.

Thanks, I really appreciate it! Officially there aren't plans for it yet but maybe in the future I reconsider it


I want to join the discord server but the link has expired. This was one of the best games I have ever played and I look forward to seeing the next updates for this game.

Link works, however fails for accounts -18. Make sure your discord account is 18+ if you wish to join, please
Also, thanks for feedback, glad it was that fun for you!

Is there no Chinese translation for this game


I translated the game myself. I hope it helps you: [link]

Officially no, sorry

is there a walkthrough and/or guide available

Not yet, sorry. But if you need any help, feel free to join the discord server and ask anything you need there


I translated the game myself. I hope it helps you: [link]

I can't wait for the necxt update

Soon, very soon!


Can you help the people in the comments and not say join the discord i'm sure its not that hard to help

it's more complicated that it looks. In the discord server I have a #faq channel, where most of those questions are already answered. Takes no time for someone to join and read that.

For me, however, to answer "same question" plenty of times, requieres a lot of time that I don't have. Either so, I do my best to help everyone.

damn,i miss eva,when could we meet her

She will appear new game update again, don't worry!

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