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Hey everyone! What is the AIDrone code ?


Hi! The codes are hidden in game. However, if you don't want to find them, join my discord. There is a channel there with all available codes.


Can I please have a new link to the Discord server? For some reason Discord itself says that the link has expired


Hi please me give a diskord


Hey, really like the game thus far. Interesting story, good development of the characters so far. One of my favs. I would like to make a suggestion. The characters need some way to track their locations and things like that. For Akaime, you're hunting around for her and then you get the clues but what happens if you stop playing for a few days or play through and then in the next update, you forget where she is or what you need to do. I'm happy to give me info you need. Anyway, thanks!

Thank you for playing the game! Glad you enjoyed it so far!
Don't worry, that's a feature I knew beforehand the game needs. It's comming with next update, in v0.3, the one I'm working on right now. Thanks for the suggestion either way!

Thanks man! Love it so far.


Please fix this in android, I can't go outside and the text goes off screen for me. If there's a way to fix this please tell me (I may be doing things wrong)

Faça uma tradução para o Brasil se em português eu adoro seu jogo

On Android, Half of the text remains off the screen. Cant understand anything, pls fix 🙁

Should work with another resolution. Apparently doesn't work for all resolutions, I don't know why.

I have the same problem with resolution. A part of text on the left side of screen for some reason is out of screen. Maybe it is possible to fix it?

There is no resolution setting on the phones.

(1 edit)

To describe the problem in more detail, I will say that the game creates black borders on the sides of the screen. All game content except text is scaled along these borders. The text is aligned to the left, but it is not adjacent to these black borders, but as if to the phone case. Because of this, it turns out that the black borders overlap it.

Quite weird. It should be centered, in the middle of the screen. I have no idea why the text went to the left, quite weird. I'll investigate it

please fix it as soon as possible


Hey, im getting an error when i try to access the map at any point in the day on the android version. Could you look into it? I can get a screenshot or two of the error if you need that.

(1 edit)

Fixed, new android version should have that bug fixed. Sorry for the trouble!


honestly one of those very well made games.

I really dislike all of these low effort looking games. They are no fun to play. But this was one of those games that were really different. The image quality is insane and that alone is already a huge enough plus point for me. The character design is also lovely with some pretty unique looking people.

All in all a game that's worth playing


Wow! I really appreciate your feedback! It's super rewarding to see people who can appreciate all the hard work, gives me even more energy to improve it even more, thanks! 

Let's be honest, a lot of the people here are only here for a good fap and move on to the next game.

I am always looking for games with either high quality or that have an amazing story and those are exactly the games that deserve a lot of attention, but unfortunately alot of them don't get the attention they deserve.

I sincerely hope that you can continue doing what you love and that people will support your patreon.

Was there an issue just porting it as an apk? AAB files suck. i had to pay for an aab downloader just to get the app installed, and sat for 15+ minutes staring at a "downloading assets" screen and it still didnt boot to the game. if you're gonna make an android port, do it right. Yikes.

(2 edits) (+1)

There, should be working now. Yes, there were issues with porting to apk but I fixed them all, hopefully!


Calm down, everyone makes mistakes in your case, I think you didn't know how to port apk files, don't despair, this will always be a headache, I appreciate your dedication for wanting to bring this game to Android users, I'm very grateful for dedicating your heart to this wonderful game ❤️


Of course! I released already the .apk, should work now.
Had to run into some trouble but I finally made it.

Thanks for your words!

Thank you for fixing the apk issue, but now half the text is off screen. the game looks great so i wont be negative on that front, but functionality is a massive issue it seems. I dont like being overly negative about a game but I see promise in this one, so it's hard not to point out the problems when they're this bad. PC might run fine because it's being developed on a PC. You're automatically testing it for that platform while developing it. If you're unable to test on different platforms because you don't have access to them, I can understand. I unfortunately, however, have a bad first impression since the android port was released in a way that seemed like a band-aid solution. That just leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing that even after fixing the issue it still has more issues piled on top of it. Maybe I'm being overly critical but I've played a lot of VNs and you're having issues that I've never seen anyone else have even in the early builds. Even if they did, I wouldn't know because they waited and fixed the issues before releasing it to the public. If the game isn't even in a functional state, don't even bother releasing it until it's fixed. No one will complain because either way they end up not really being able to play it. It just leaves a better impression when people get their hands on something and it actually works. Haste makes waste, slow down and take the time to do it right. 


Thank you bro for making this wonderful game available to us mere commoners❤️


Of course! Thanks you for playing it!


Very good, waiting for v.3


Glad you enjoyed it! Working on it rn!

(1 edit)

Finally v.2

Yay! Finally! Hope you enjoy it!

Before I download...

What content am I expecting as a whole?


At the moment not a lot, but, it is interesting, entertaining, and should be amazing later on.
I think there are a few ecchi moments, but that's it for now.

Hmm… let’s check out this new game

Hope you enjoyed it~

more girl?


Many, many more~


So far its great. Can't wait to see more of the girls, both current and new.


Thank you for everything! Glad you enjoyed it! I won't stop working on it and make sure to continue proving an amazing story for everyone to enjoy~

Will we have a Android version ?


Yes! Actually v0.2 comes with Android version already.
Check my last Development log if you'd like more information, just a bit up there.

Oh,that's very nice.Thanks!I will focus on that.



the game is very good The story is very good, very captivating, the characters are also very cool and the graphics are very beautiful, the animation is just a little slow but it's very good, I can't wait for the next update of this game, I wish I could help with patrion But unfortunately I can't because I'm a little poor hahaha and it's also because I'm Brazilian Sorry if my comment has spelling errors and such It's just that I'm using the translator to comment, and as I mentioned above I'm Brazilian so I don't understand much English, I have a question when will the next update for this game come out? And another one will have this game for mobile,? and will it be translated into other languages or will it only be in English?

Hey! Thanks for playing the game! Glad you enjoyed it so far!
It's okay, I'm already happy you're playing it.

Next update v0.2 is available already in Patreon. Will be for free here in on 15th December.

Yes, it comes with versions for Android aswell (Mobile)

So far, I'll keep it in English but I may add other languages in the future. Can't tell yet.

When would you estimate the next update will be 

It's already available on Patreon c:
15th for free here in


I really loved the game and the story got me really involved. I haven't found a game like this in a while, thank you for making this wonderful game available to the community, if you could bring a version for Android, I and some people in the community would appreciate it, I'm sorry if there are any errors writing skills, at the moment I don't know English so I'm using a translator

(I am Brazilian) ;)


No worries, I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, it's on my plans to release an Adroid version aswell with next update of the game


Awesome game so far, Can't wait till the next update :)


It's comming really really soon! Thanks for playing it!


Hello, if next update can release android version 🙏 ?

Because i'm to lazy playing with pc 


Hey! Yes, I'll work on that one aswell, that's the idea


Hi, could you release a MacOS version ?

Hello! Next version of the game which will be really soon will surely have different versions for different plataforms, MacOS between them indeed

(1 edit)

is there any cheats?

Hey! No, at least not yet. I may add them in the future

when in the future give me like a number or somthing

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi dev, I don't see any comments about planned tags, it would be great if you could put a list in the description (I prefer to know in advance what type of content to expect, to know if it's worth it or not), for example are kinks/fetishes avoidables (they don't happen in the story according to player choice) skippable (they happen in the story but the player doesn't see the scene) forced by plot?  

In previous comments I see that someone asked about ntr and you didn't have a clear answer, is this still the case?  If so, what type of ntr would you be talking about, netorare, netori, netorase?

Thanks, good luck.


Hello! Thanks for playing my game!

As for the tags, I can't assure 100% since pretty much everything is quite open so far, with some limitations of course. But you can expect many types of sex scenes in the future. First, will need more build up to make things more interesting than just sex with some strangers.

Any nsfw scene will be of course skippable, the player will have completly freedom to do or not such scenes. They won't be forced upon player against their will.

As for NRT, I said I don't know yet if I'll add it. I may in the future but not sure. Netorare and netori is probable. Netorase almost sure will be involved (In case the player decide so)


really good game. but there are a lot of spelling mistakes and some sentences sound weird therefor making them hard to read. 

though if we put that aside this is a really good game

Don't worry, all of those mistakes are fixed for next version. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for playing it!

I really enjoyed this, and i love the plot its so cool!

Awwh! Thank you so much! It's nice to see you loved it.

Cant wait for the next update!

(1 edit) (+2)

Played plenty, and I mean plenty of visual novels.
Finished the current version and I have to say, quite interesting.

So here's my take:
- The story is quite unique, some feedback I would give here and there. But, even so, the character design and development put in this game, specially for the current state it's in, is incredible.

- Time passed by quick while playing the game, which is a feeling I don't quite get anymore. And, honestly, it leaves you craving for more. Quite excited for the next update!

- I've noticed a few grammar mistakes but meh, little bit of patching up and it's as good as new. If there is any intent of making the game into various languages as development goes further on, I would love to volunteer. (I'm fluent with English and Portuguese)
If there's any issue with programming I wouldn't mind having a look at it either. (not saying I'm the best programmer out there though)

- The potential this game holds is quite amazing.
You can tell the characters are well thought through. The personalities made for the AIgirls seem dynamic to me, in a way as if they stand out more than the supposed typical human girl (for example, the childhood friend present in the game).

-The story, (I know I'm repeating myself here, but listen:) it's quite mesmerizing. It doesn't feel like those typical cliché-ish storylines that, in all my honesty, bore me to death.

Keep up the great work! 
Really looking forward towards the future of AIRevolution!


Such a wonderful feedback! I feel honored! Even more comming from someone who has played that many VN games. Thank you for your lovely words! I really really appeciate it so much!

Don't worry, the grammar mistakes are fixed already. At least the ones of this first version, you will notice in the new one.

I still need to ponder about other languages option. Programming isn't a problem for me so far, luckily! Thanks for the offer notheless!

I have so much planned for the story and characters and I hope the new content will keep up with your expectations, personally I think will be really good.

If you ever wish to suggest anything, feel free to join my discord server, I'll glady listen you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Aw shucksss...

I'm flattered, but most of all, absolutely honored to receive feedback from a wonderful creator and an almighty god level programmer!  (picturing "i use arch btw" coming from ya)

'Nough said though, I'm most definitely looking forward to it, I have no doubts in your abilities to blast this game into a AAA title.

Regarding suggestions, my brain runs low by the time I get any free time, but if somehow a miracle happens and I use my brain (which is quite rare) I'll leave it in the discord server, or in the comment section. 
(gonna be honest here though, completely forgot the initial suggestions I had come up with, from my first gameplay)

Ah, forgot to mention I joined the discord as soon as I had finished the game :)

Keep up the great work!

What's the name of the song at the main menu when you open the game, because man it's SO good bro

The song name is "Tokoyami no Keiyaku". Thank you! I love it so much aswell.

Damn, I didn't see the time pass, when I reached the end of the version I was like "Wait. NO I wan't to continue !". Amazing works ! I like the universe, the character designs and well basically everything so far from the little I was able to experience.


Loved to know you enjoyed it that much! There is much more comming soon, thank you for the feedback, really appreciated!

do  you  have the  game on  f95zone?if yes  can i  get the  link

I don't have the game there, sorry

Forum users will add your game there anyway, keep in mind. They write all the information you provide here. If you want, show up there and manage your game page yourself.

At least that's what happened to my game. I went there about a month after the release here to make a page on their forum, but my game has already been there for a month.

Yeah  u got a good point.better to  manage  it herself  than  some  rando


Game looks really really good. Can't wait to see more of it! 

Thank you! I really appreciate your comment!

You're welcome! Any idea when we can expect the next update?


Join the discord server, you can see most information there . Right now updates will probably come out evry 2 months.

Thank you sir!

So far, everything is good, but I recommend fixing the writing/spelling. Other than that, you're doing great.

Thank you! They are already fixed, you will notice in the next update

Well paced, solid writing, great art style/animation. Cant wait for update

Thanks for playing it! Will make a post as soon as it available

this going to be the first time i'm interested in both the plot and the scenes

Wow! I'm so happy this game is the exception for you!



Hole Mole this game is so fucking good and looks super promising cant wait anything else but great things from you and the dialogue is funny as fuck x


Wow! Glad you like it that much! I'm so happy to hear that, thank so you so much!


Tried the game out, really enjoy v1! Excited to see what's to come

Great news! Hope you enjoy next updates aswell.

I'm playing this with joiplay because i don't have pc or laptop,usually it works because this games made with renpy but it doesn't,i can put the game on joiplay but when i press it to play it just give a few seconds of black sreen and then put me back into game selection of joiplay.

Here's the sreenshot of traceback.txt:

If anyone know how to fix this please reply


I mean, that must be cause the only version available is for Windows/Linux. Once I release the android version shouldn't have those problems.

Thanks for the explanation,you can take your time with this i can wait

Will there be a mac edition?

Yes, as soon as I can test everything works perfectly I'll release it.

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